Exterminating household insects

ابادة الحشرات المنزلية

Exterminating household insects

Household insects are considered one of the most common problems facing families at home, as they cause great inconvenience and pose a threat to public health due to the diseases they transmit. To ensure a clean and healthy home environment, it is necessary to take effective measures to exterminate household insects.

In this article, we will review the causes of the spread of household insects, their types, and effective steps to exterminate them, in addition to Orkin Egypt’s distinguished services in this field.


Reasons for the spread of household insects

In fact, there are many reasons that lead to the spread of household insects throughout the house, including:

  • Availability of food sources: The presence of exposed food scraps and crumbs can attract insects such as ants and cockroaches.
  • Humidity: Humid environments such as kitchens and bathrooms provide a suitable environment for insects to reproduce.
  • The presence of cracks and gaps: Cracks and gaps in walls and floors are easy entry points for insects.
  • Unsecured food storage: Storing food in unsealed containers can attract insects.
  • Irregular cleaning: Not cleaning the house regularly helps in the accumulation of dirt that attracts insects.

So if you are looking for a way to get rid of household insects, the first step is to eliminate the causes that lead to the spread of insects at home.

Common types of household insects

As for the insects commonly found in homes, they are many, including:

  • Ants: Ants are among the most common insects in homes, as they search for food and water.
  • Bedbugs: Bedbugs feed on human blood and can cause itching and irritation of the skin, in addition to spreading diseases.
  • Cockroaches: Cockroaches are among the insects that transmit most diseases, as they live in dark and damp places.
  • Flies: Flies transmit bacteria and viruses through the surfaces and foods they are found on.
  • Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes can transmit serious diseases such as malaria and dengue fever.

also know: The best and safe ways to exterminate insects in Egypt

How to control crawling insects in Orkin pest control service


Effective steps in exterminating household insects

Orkin Company, with its extensive experience in the field of pest control, directs some effective steps to get rid of household insects, and these steps include the following:

  • Keeping the house clean regularly: Cleaning floors and surfaces periodically helps prevent the accumulation of insects and the food debris they attract. And use appropriate disinfectants to sterilize surfaces.
  • Use of insecticides: Use specific insecticides for each type of insect to ensure effective extermination. And follow the instructions for use on the pesticide package to ensure safety and effectiveness.
  • Seal cracks and entrances: Ensure that all cracks and gaps in walls and floors are closed to prevent insects from entering. Use materials such as silicone or steel wool to fill the gaps.
  • Dispose of garbage regularly: Dispose of garbage regularly and do not leave bags open inside the house. Use garbage containers with tight lids.
  • Ensure the house is ventilated: Ventilating the house well helps reduce the humidity that attracts insects. Use ventilators or fans to reduce humidity.
  • Periodic inspection: Conduct periodic inspection of homes to search for any signs of insect presence and take the necessary measures immediately.


Orkin Egypt services in household insect extermination

  • Home condition assessment: Orkin Egypt’s work teams visit the home to analyze and evaluate the condition of insects and determine the most appropriate method of extermination.
  • Detecting insects and identifying their whereabouts: Using advanced techniques to determine insect breeding places and entrances.
  • Using modern technologies: Orkin Egypt relies on modern technologies and safe pesticides, and using the services of a specialized company like Orkin Egypt is considered a wise decision to ensure effective and sustainable results in exterminating household insects. Through the use of modern technologies and safe pesticides, Orkin Egypt provides comprehensive and customized solutions for each case, making it the first choice for families seeking to protect their homes from insects.


Benefits of using Orkin Egypt

  • Specialization and experience: Orkin Egypt has long experience in the field of household insect extermination, which ensures that services are implemented with the highest quality standards.
  • Safety and security: The company uses pesticides that are safe for human health and the environment, ensuring that individuals are not exposed to any health risks.
  • Speed and efficiency: Orkin Egypt provides fast and effective services, where customers can get rid of insects in a short time and permanently.
  • Consultation and follow-up: The company provides free consultations on how to prevent insects in the future, in addition to follow-up services to ensure that insects do not return.
  • Saving time and effort: Instead of trying to exterminate insects with traditional methods that may be ineffective, customers can save time and effort by seeking help from Orkin Egypt experts.


The importance of exterminating household insects

  • Maintaining health: Many diseases are transmitted through insects such as cockroaches and flies, and therefore exterminating these insects contributes to preserving the health of family members.
  • Property protection: Some insects, such as termites, can cause damage to furniture and household structures, so insect extermination protects property from damage.
  • Improving the quality of life: The presence of insects in the home can be a source of anxiety and inconvenience, and therefore getting rid of them enhances the quality of life and increases psychological comfort.
  • Prevention of economic damage: Insects can lead to significant financial losses as a result of the damage they cause to property and food, so exterminating insects contributes to avoiding these losses.

How to maintain an insect-free home after extermination

  • Periodic cleaning: Continue cleaning the house periodically and remove food residues and crumbs immediately.
  • Airtight food storage: Use airtight containers to store food, especially in the kitchen.
  • Dispose of garbage regularly: Do not leave garbage for long periods at home and dispose of it regularly.
  • Periodic inspection of furniture and clothing: Check furniture and clothing periodically to ensure that they are free of insects.
  • Using follow-up services: Benefit from the follow-up services provided by insect extermination companies such as Orkin Egypt to ensure that insects do not return again.

Exterminating household insects is a necessary step to maintaining the cleanliness and health of the home. Using a specialized company like Orkin Egypt ensures effective and safe services using the latest technologies and pesticides. By following the advice provided and benefiting from the company's services, families can maintain a clean home environment free of insects, which enhances the quality of life and provides comfort and reassurance to family members.

Whether it is ants, bugs, cockroaches, flies, or mosquitoes, Orkin Egypt has the experience and competence necessary to deal with all types of household insects and ensure their complete elimination. Do not hesitate to contact Orkin Egypt to obtain home pest extermination services and benefit from the integrated solutions it provides to keep your home clean and safe.