The Basics Of Food Safety In Restaurants And Food Establishments

أساسيات سلامة الغذاء

The Basics Of Food Safety In Restaurants And Food Establishments

One of the first priorities of organizations is always food safety, so food facilities are concerned with the safety of the process of manufacturing, preparing, packaging, and serving food, especially in restaurants and food manufacturing facilities, to maintain the reputation of the facility first and the cleanliness and safety of food, and to obtain the highest evaluation, so we will talk about the basics of food safety in restaurants and food establishments


There are five basic principles that have been decided by the World Health Organization and they are: -


1 - Preventing contamination of food and food by pathogens, whether insects, humans, or animals.

2 - Separation of cooked foods from raw materials or materials used in the food preparation to ensure that the prepared food is not contaminated.

3- The period used in cooking food, to ensure the death of bacteria and germs at the appropriate temperature, and pathogens.

4 - The ideal storage of foods and foods inside or outside the establishment.

5- Using the best raw materials and purified and clean water


5 Most Common Mistakes In Food Safety



What are the most important rules for ensuring food safety in restaurants and food establishments?


1 - Cleanliness


One of the most important factors of food contamination is neglecting hygiene which leads to attracting many insects and pests to the establishment. Hands must be washed constantly with hot water and soap, before and after preparing food because of the ability of bacteria to easily move inside the restaurant. sanitize food plates with chlorine after use.


2 - Cold storage rules


Freezing at a certain temperature acts as a food preserver from spoilage and also from contamination from bacteria and germs that need a certain temperature



3- Separation of food


  • Separate meat, poultry, and fish products in the purchase and during carrying from other types of food, as well as during food preparation.
  • Use different plates in the preparation between meat and other foods.
  • Clean cutting boards with soap and hot water.
  • Use different utensils, plates, and containers for raw and cooked food.


4- Rules regarding food purchase


  • Buy frozen products after choosing non-perishable products
  • Stay away from meat and freezers in torn packages and bags
  • Check the expiration dates



5- The correct rules for storing food


  •  Cooling perishable food from 1 to 2 hours when the temperature is 32.2 ° C
  • Check the temperature of the refrigerator with a thermometer, the refrigerator and freezer should be at least 0 ° C or less
  • Freezing poultry, fish, and meat
  • Packaging and separating perishable foods to prevent them from reaching other foods


6- Rules of serving food


  • When serving food, the temperature should not be less than 60°C
  • Cold or frozen food should not be more than 4.4°C
  • Perishable food should not be left for more than two hours at room temperature



7- Safety of the organization's employees


  • Ensure the safety of food prepared and cooks and that they are free of infectious diseases
  • Ensure hygiene factors, and Wash hands frequently before and after preparing food



8 - Get rid of insects and pests


  • Insects are one of the biggest sources of food pollution, as some insects and pests such as flies transmit more than 100 types of diseases and cockroaches more than 50 types, the pest control company must be using the IPM system, (the best pest control system in the world ), and therefore Orkin is one of the best pest control companies Insects in the world so that it not only eliminates insects, pests and rodents inside your commercial establishment but also makes sure that they do not return again to the facility.


  • Orkin is considered one of the best companies that implement an integrated pest control system in the world.
  • Orkin is considered the largest company in the world with 900 branches in +70 countries, and it is considered the most trusted
  • It has a team of specialists at the highest level of training and professionalism in pest control using the IPM system
  • Has Experience since 1901, and it is considered one of the oldest insect and rodent extermination companies in the world










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For more information on how to get rid of pests, request a free consultation today.

Let us work with you to secure your business against insects and rodents


Address :


El Sunrise Building No. 5, Ground Floor, El Sefarat District, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt

